Tracking is critically important.

If you're not tracking, you can't optimize.

If you can't optimize, your sales funnel won't improve.

If you're not improving your sales funnel … then what's the point in having one?

Many businesses use some form of referral or affiliate marketing when they don't offer the product or service their customer needs, but they know someone who does.

The problem arises because once you hand a customer over to someone else, it can be hard to tell if all your pre-selling efforts result in a sale.

This post will help you better track what devices are delivering the best results, in particular with regards to ClickBank; however, this concept can apply to other affiliate networks that use a similar tracking ID or TID system.

Tracking In Action!

Clickbank Affiliate Tracking Example

To find this report within ClickBank you'll go to Reporting -> Analytics -> View as “Affiliate” -> Hops “By Tracking Id”.

There's not much data in this example, but it's enough to show you how it works!

Do you see the last letter of the “word” in the Tracking ID column? There's m, d, and t (not shown).

  • m = mobile
  • d = desktop
  • t = tablet

Cool! But, why do I care?

Now, in addition to telling which affiliate links are getting clicks and converting, I can also tell from which device the traffic is coming.

In the example above, none of my sales have come from desktop, they've all been mobile. If I were sending paid traffic – it may be beneficial to shut off advertising to desktop.

As another example, many products on ClickBank have very long (45 minutes+) video sales letters (VSL). I don't foresee anyone sitting there on their phone for 45 minutes watching a video and making a purchase; however, I could be wrong – and now you can actually test it!

The Code + Installation Instructions

Here's the code:

You'll also need Mobile Detect.

Click here to download both (“my package”).

If you downloaded my package, all you need to do is unzip it, edit it (explained below), and upload it to your server – ideally through FTP; however, you can use cPanel if you're not familiar with FTP.

How Does It Work?

It's actually very simple!

The Mobile Detect class does the “heavy lifting” and figures out what device people are on.

From there it takes your TID and appends either an m, d, or t depending on the device.

Then it takes whatever product you're recommending, formats your affiliate link with the modified TID and then forwards people through your link.

How Do I Use It?

Let's pretend that I uploaded “my package” to my root directory –

I should now have a file here:

This file looks for two URL parameters:

  • t = TID
  • p = product

So, let's say I want to send an affiliate link to product AAAA in email 3 of my autoresponder series … instead of sending a regular ClickBank affiliate link, I would send one that looks like this:

When people click on that link from email 3, the link.php file will figure out the device, pull in the product name (AAAA), and the TID (email3), create the appropriate link, and seamlessly forward them to the offer.


Let's pretend like we want to promote “The Big Diabetes Lie”

[Affiliate Page].

They give us our hoplink which looks like this:

Now, we update the link.php file to look something like this:

When we send out our affiliate link to people, we'll format it as such:

Taking It To The Next Level!

As I mentioned above, what happens if you realize that the 45 minute video sales letter (VSL) you're sending people to isn't converting on mobile?

Good news! You can send them to a different offer!

Instead of sending them to the VSL you can send them to the text based sales page … automatically!

Here's the example code:

In this instance, the link.php script sees that the product is diabetes, then if it's a mobile device (m) it sets the affiliate link to go to the text based sales page and if it's anything but a mobile device, it goes to the VSL.


In conclusion, you have to track your numbers!! If you don't track what's going on you won't know what is or isn't working.

While it's easy to track what's happening on your own site, it's a bit harder to track what actually happens on other people's sites – especially when you're referring people as an affiliate.

By having an understanding of where people are coming from (based on TID) and the device they're using (letter appended to the end of the TID) you're able to gauge whether your referrals are resulting in sales or not and can adjust your efforts!

Ask Questions!

If you need help setting this up, leave a comment and let me know!