You’ve heard it time and time again, you need to define your customer. We even talk about it in regards to the 3 Ps of an automated sales system (the first P is People).

You’ve read many articles and tutorials about developing customer avatars and marketing personas.

You’ve probably downloaded several templates to help you define your customer.

The thing you’re stuck on is – how the heck do you start?

You don’t have any “real” customers yet, so you can’t go out there and “ask” them. You can’t look at your Google Analytics or Social Media accounts, because … well, you just don’t have much data.

And, you’ve put in a lot of thought and effort, yet you’re still coming up short.

Don’t worry! The goal of this article is to show you how to start filling out one of the many marketing persona templates.

Grab A Marketing Persona Template

There are a ton of marketing persona/customer avatar templates available. If you want to use a different one – no problem.

However, I’ll be using the one you see below. You can click the picture to download a PowerPoint version of it.

Marketing Persona Template

Click to Download PowerPoint Version!

Watch This Video!

Do You Want More?

If you want a Part 2 to this video – let me know in the comments below!

Part 2 has been released and can be found here!